Wednesday, August 1, 2012


     Cultural variations are also a key player in parenting patterns. Children raised in the United States have a very different up brining compared to those that are non-Western. If a deeper look is taken, even European children, who are considered “Western”, are raised very differently.
     Traditional Parenting Patterns and Racial Socialization is another strong component of parenting. With exception of Native American’s all American’s can trace their lineage back to another country. (Heath p 42) This being said everyone has different believes that drive their parenting styles.
     When I hit “search” using any search engine there are thousands of documents and articles that came up offering techniques, thoughts, and scientific proof as to how a child should be raised. There has been years of research done to support many different methods, who’s to say what method is right and what one is wrong as long as the child is loved and has their basic needs met.

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