Saturday, August 4, 2012

Development is Important

Helping infants and toddlers develop their gross and fine motor skills is a daily adventure. Just as we must go to work, infants must play. By keeping infants stimulated they are not only playing, they are also learning and growing. Just as important as the motor skills, parents play a vital role in the cognitive development of infants and children. An infant’s early verbal interactions come from everyone, a common saying has been heard throughout the United States, and they are like “little sponges”. Every little action helps infants develop their skills. Heath states “it is beneficial as well for infants to be able to see parents’ mouth as they form words.” (Heath p.151) An infant learning to use their verbal skills is a skill that not only helps when they start school, but it is also helpful for communicating their desires and playing. Reading has also been proven to be another very important use of communicating with infants and young children. Not only has reading been used to help develop these very important skills, it is also a wise tool to use in relaxing a child to get them ready for bed. With children everything ties back into itself.

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